Site Changes

I have added a new Meat Doctrine page and moved the Angels lesson to a new Spiritual Beings section. The Spiritual Beings section is going to cover a broad range of topics including:
Angels, Seraphim and Cherubim, Demons, Leviathan, and Satan.

Stay tuned for more content!


Angels are one of the great mysteries of the Bible. Why were they created? What do they look like? Do they play a role in the lives of believers? The Bible does answer these questions. In this latest study, we will take a look at what the Bible says about these amazing creatures.

Click here

Where Do We Go When We Die?

Has anyone ever asked you if you know where you will go when you die? Have you ever wondered where the Old Testament saints went when they died or where they are at now? The Bible gives us these answers. The Word of God also tells us that Heaven and Hell are both temporary!

Click here to dive in to where the saved and unsaved go after death!

New Blog Section

I hope that everyone had a great Christmas and is looking forward to 2019! I know that I am. If the reports are accurate, then President Trump will be releasing his much-anticipated Deal of the Century Middle East Peace Plan in the next few months. Could this be the basis for the covenant that the Antichrist signs with Israel (Dan. 9:27)? Only time will tell.

There is a new blog section for Truth Unchained. This area of the website will be more informal and will consist mainly of teaching lessons that I have given in the classroom or have prepared for future classes. The first entry is from a couple of weeks ago and deals with the most common issue of the holiday season: suicide.

I have been working on a Gifts of the Holy Spirit series that will be in a similar tone to the Works of the Flesh series. Three gift lessons are finished and I will be uploading them shortly.

Take care and God bless.

The Canon of Scripture - Apologetics Lesson Update

Have you ever wondered why certain books were included in the Bible? There are many wonderful resources that I encourage you to study from archaeological, historical, probability, and authenticity sources.

We are going to look at the books of the Bible as verified within the Word of God itself. Are there additional books that should be included in the Bible or are they heretical works?

Click here