What to do After Leading a Person to Christ

Sharing the Gospel is the most important act of service. Sometimes, though, we often wonder what we should do next.

There will be instances when we cannot follow up with the person that just got saved, but there will also be many times when we can such as with co-workers, friends, family, etc. If you watched the How to Study the Bible series on my YouTube channel, you’ll know that the very first place every believer should begin is by memorizing 1 Corinthians 15 because that lays the groundwork for our faith. Encourage the new believer to start there.

Every book of the Bible is important, but we must not tell a new believer to just read the Bible. That is incredibly overwhelming and can set them up for failure as a Christian. When a person does not know how to rightly divide the Bible per 2 Timothy 2:15, you cannot expect that person to understand the differences between the four Gospels and the epistles of Paul.

The first entire book of the Bible that a new believer should read is 1 Thessalonians. This letter was written to newly saved men and women. This epistle is easy to understand and it lays the groundwork for the main theme of the Bible: the return of Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians will not confuse the new Christian with deep doctrines such as election or the history of Israel because the audience is new Gentile believers.

I hope that this short blog is helpful to those that love witnessing, but were worried about not knowing what to do next. You should definitely go above-and-beyond by gifting the new believer with a King James Bible and inviting them to your church. However, please keep in mind that the new Christian will be looking to you for guidance. That person will have a unique connection with you. Take advantage of that opportunity to help your new brother or sister in Christ not make the same mistakes you and I did when we first got saved.