Lasciviousness, like fornication, is about committing gross sexual acts. The Bible also ties this sin into teaching false doctrine. What makes this sin so harsh is that it causes people to fall away from Christ - and that is something God does not take lightly (Matt. 18:6, James 3:1)!  

The Greek word is "aselgeia" and it occurs nine times in the New Testament. In the English translations, the word "wantonness" is also used. This particular Greek word describes a person that no longer cares what others think, and is someone that is excited over indecent behavior.  

In 2 Peter chapter 2, the Apostle Peter states that false prophets and teachers, and fallen angels use this sin to create "damnable heresies". A pastor teaching that God is okay with homosexuality is guilty of lasciviousness for example. Lasciviousness is also denying Jesus Christ (Jude verse 4).  

As we go through the works of the flesh, it becomes clearer that no sin acts alone. A person committing lasciviousness is often guilty of adultery, fornication, pride, malice, and a multitude of other sins. Romans 3:23 states "for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God". No matter how many good works we do, one sin spiderwebs into many and outweighs any good that we may have done. Jesus said in Matthew 15:19 that sin comes straight from the heart. Jeremiah 17:9 says "the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?"

I would be remiss if I didn't pause this lesson on the works of the flesh, and offer a way to be cleansed from all sin. Please click here and accept Jesus into your life. He will take away all sins, all depression, all addictions, all loneliness, and everything that comes with living a sinful life. Jesus not only wants to forgive, but He wants to forgive freely for your benefit.

Next work of the flesh: idolatry